Our Team


Attorney/ Founder
Mr. MINAR was born in 1974 in Yozgat.
Between 1990 and 1994, he completed Law education at Ankara University Faculty of Law and completed his legal training
at Ankara Bar Association in 1995.
He started his proffessional life with MINAR Legal Consultancy and Law Firm which he founded in 1996 and still provides his professşon with great success since then.
He is known as his experiences of especially Ciriminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Commercial Law, Labor and Social Security Law, Private International Law and Law of Obligations fields.
  • Phone number
    +90 312 232 28 41


Attorney/ Partner
She was born in Kahramanmaras.
In 2011 the Kahramanmaraş Anatolian Teacher High School, graduated with a High Degree in Turkey.
Studied Law at Gaziantep University as major and graduated with a high degree from faculty of law.
She was educated at Nicholaus Copernicus University in Poland in the framework of the Erasmus

Education and Training Movement during the Education Period of 2013-2014.
During the undergraduate education, she made summer internship in a firm in Brussels / Belgium with the Erasmus Mobility Program in 2014.
She completed her legal training at Ankara Bar Association in 2016-2017.
During the academic year of 2017-2018, She completed her master's degree in private law at Eskişehir Anadolu University.
In the period of 2017-2018 Academic year, she transferred to Hacettepe University, Department of Private Law with Master Thesis.
She is continuing her education on Private Law Thesis with Hacettepe University.

Foreign Language: English
She is known as her experiences of especially Ciriminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Commercial Law, Labor and Social Security Law, Private International Law and Law of Obligations fields.
  • Phone number
    +90 312 232 28 41


Clerk/executive staff
  • Phone number
    +90 312 232 28 41
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